Advantages and financial savings
For CCGs
There are two major areas of financial savings for CCGs;
The initial ECG where the service costs a tiny fraction of what hospitals charge
There are a huge number of cases where GP is ‘unsure’ whether to send a patient to A&E or not, and a good immediate expert ECG report gives GP the confidence not to send to hospital [if they are sent to cardiac wards, the cost is >> £1,000 + / night]. To corroborate the point; some 75% of cardiac admissions are discharged within 1-2 days and that tells you that many are sent in unnecessarily
For Clinicians
On the clinical front, an immediate diagnosis which the service provides [literally, whilst surgery is ‘on-line’], as opposed to a 2-3 weeks’ delay in sending to hospital, means that GPs can commence patient management and triage, immediately. This can often be the difference between full recovery and irreparable damage to the heart.
For Patients
The service greatly enhances patient experience: It is far more convenient, it avoids delays in diagnosis and the associated concerns, it avoids lost days at work, etc.