Bringing 24 Hour - 14 Day ECG Monitoring direct to patients’ homes

With our ECG@HOME service, patients can be referred [by their GP or by their hospital] for a 24 Hour - 14 day Holter ECG from the comfort of their own homes, without the need to attend at surgery, clinic or hospital
The patch holter is delivered to the patient, with clear instructions allowing them to fit the device and carry out the test themselves. At the end of the test, the patient removes the device and returns it to us for analysis.
Once the device arrives at our centre, it will be analysed by our team of expert cardiac clinicians, and the results will be sent to the patient’s GP and/or specialist.
Our mini-sized patch holter is a 3 channel unit (which is far superior to the 1 channel units).
For more details about our 24 Hour Holter ECG interpretation system, please click here.