Services to Hospitals

Does your hospital currently have a backlog of Ambulatory ECGs (24 Hour tapes / Holters) waiting to be analysed & interpreted?
Hospitals using the Spacelabs (Sentinel) system, can transmit their Ambulatory ECG (24 hr- 14 day tapes / Holters) traces to our cardiac centre, where expert clinicians will analyse & interpret the traces and send a full report via secure NHS email within 1-3 days (depending on level of urgency).
With our ECG@HOME service, patients can be referred by their GP or by their hospital for a 24 hour - 14day ECG from the comfort of their own homes. The three channel device [far superior to the 1-2 channel units] is delivered with clear instructions allowing the patient to be able to carry out the test themselves. Once the device is returned to our centre, it will be analysed by our team of expert cardiac clinicians, and the results will be sent to the patient’s GP and/or their cardiologist.